Preserving and making available curated data is central to the National Science Foundations directives.  We are working to meet the needs of researchers in archiving, preserving, and serving data out to researchers.  Please see the NSF Guildines for details.
Data and metadata standards
Following along these guidlines:
the MRL aims to provide a format for researchers to archive and curate analyzed data and its metadata.  Many journals provide for the submission of supporting and secondary data which meet the NSF's goals and the MRL attempts not to duplicate those submissions.  However with open access requirements for both peer reviewed articles and data in support of such articles, UCSB's MRSEC strives to give researchers the resources they need to be compliant with NSF policy.
While curating and archiving all raw data would be unsustainable, data in support of publications will be archived in the UCSB Dryad instance provided by the library ( ).
UCSB Dryad is a repository service and curation environment for storage and preservation of data and is provided by the California Digital Library. Dryad is used to manage, archive, and share content. It provides significant features for a digital object:
long term storage
access via persistent URLs
tools for long term management
easy-to-use interface for deposits and udpates
Dryad uses the Dublin Core format for metadata standards and researchers will be asked to generally include descriptions of instruments used, analytic techniques, dates, data description, DOI links and other metadata which Dryad will abstract in to XML.  Upon paper submission researchers create a container of primary data tagged with the appropriate metadata in the Dryad repository.  For training and best-practices please contact the computational facility manager or the library at .
Backup and security are maintained by the MRL to the extent possible.  Researchers are responsible for moving data off instrument computers and local data stores.  Data security and integrity is of central concern to the MRL and the MRL may mirror its data stores to servers off-site.  Researchers will use UCSB's Dryad long-term data storage and archiving.