MRL RET Teacher Laura Branch Receives SB County Teacher of the Year
Current MRL RET teacher-intern Laura Bra…

Professor Raphaële Clément Receives 2024 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
The MRL is proud to congratulate Professor Raphaële Clément for being a recipient of the 2024 Camille Dreyfus T…

M. Scott Shell Elected as a Fellow of the AAAS
Please join the MRL in congratulating Scott Shell (co-leader of…

Parker Morris Receives ACS Best Presentation Award
The MRL congratulates Parker Morris, co-advised by Professor Chris Bates and Professor Javier Read de Alaniz, upon…

Congratulations! - Student Awards at CAMP Statewide Symposium
Congratulations to our CAMP students who received awards for their research presentations at the recent 2024 CAMP Statewide Symp…

Professor Irene Beyerlein Elected to the NAE
Please join the MRL in congratulating Professor Irene Beyerlein, Mehrabian Interdisciplinary Professor in the C…

Elizabeth Murphy and Aurland Watkins Receive 2024 Kramer Award
Congratulations to Elizabeth Murphy and Aurland Watkins on receiving the Kramer Award at…

Levi and Nguyen Inducted into the National Academy of Engineering
Congratulations to Carlos Levi and Thuc-Queyn Nguyen for being inducted into the National Academy of Engineering!

UC Santa Barbara's MRSEC Receives NSF Funding
The MRL is pleased to announce that the National Science Foundataion has awarded UC Santa Barbara's Materials Research Science a…

Allison Chau Invited to Attend 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Please join us in congratulating Allison Chau for being selected to join an exclusive group of around 600 graduate students from…

Professor Valentine's Soft Matter Article Featured by Soft Matter Editorial Board
Professor Megan Valentine's Soft Matter article “High-throughput microscopy to determine morphology, microrheology, and phase bo…

Vedika Shenoy awarded the 2022 Tirrell Award for Distinction in Undergraduate Research
Please join us in congratulating Vedika Shenoy for being awarded the …

Students and Researchers Awarded Kramer Prizes
As we approach the end of the academic year, the MRL would like to thank all students and researchers for their contributions to…

Craig Hawker Elected to National Academy of Sciences
We are thoroughly delighted to announce that our very own Craig Hawker
have been elected to the membership of the …

Professor Angela Pitenis awarded 2022 Margaret T. Getman and William J. Villa Service to Students Award
Please join us in congratulating Professor Angela Pitenis for being awarded one of the 2022 Margaret T. Getman and William J. Vi…