Request Training
- There is a one-time training fee. For Solution NMR, EPR, ENDOR, and QCM-D the fee is $100 per trainee. For Solid State NMR the fee is an hour of Project Scientist time at the current rate. The Fluorimeter is self-training, if a training is requested the $100 fee will be applied.
- Solution and Solid-State NMR: Please fill out the NMR Training Request Form and indicate which NMR instrument(s) you would like to be trained on.
- EPR, ENDOR, QCM-D: Please fill out the Spectroscopy Training Request Form and indicate which instrument(s) you would like to be trained on.
MRL Spectroscopy Training Manuals
- Bruker 500 MHz solution state training manual
- Varian 600 MHz solution state training manual
- Bruker solid state NMR training manual
- Basic EPR Procedure
- Basic Fluorimeter Procedure
- Procedure for QCM-D
MestReNova Download Instructions
How to get MNOVA (MestReNova) Software:
Download Mnova version 10.0 or OLDER:
ftware/mnova/download/older-ve rsions/ -
Download the MNOVA license file here: and save it to your computer. The login credentials for this download will be emailed to you.
Start MNOVA on your computer and load the license file.
You should now be able to use MNOVA freely.
ALL SAMPLES must be labeled with the users name when brought into the lab
Users of the MRL spectroscopy facility are REQUIRED to go through training before using the following instruments:
Please see below for more information on training schedules and how to register
EPR: Training on the EPR Spectrometer is by appointment. Everyone must first be trained on the room temperature experiment before moving on to a cryogenic or ENDOR experiment.
QCM-D: Training on the QCM-D is by appointment. A QCM-D account will be issued after a successful training.
Solution NMR Spectroscopy: Training for solution NMR is given by appointment. Alternatively, you may be trained by a skillful NMR user. In either case, you have to demonstrate by taking a mini quiz the ability of independent operation and understanding of basic solution NMR spectroscopy before you have access to the NMR facility.
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy: To be trained to perform solid-state NMR, the user must complete the training and pass the demonstration for solution NMR first. The user will then be trained, either in group or individually, by the project scientist. It is strongly recommended that you watch and follow other solid-state NMR wizards doing experiments to acquire experience and tips in solid-state NMR. Thorough knowledge on personal safety and instrument proper function is essential. Again an account will not be issued until you show your ability in handling simple solid-state NMR operation.
Self-train Instruments:
Fluorimeter: Operating the fluorimeter is very user-friendly and very straightforward, and therefore training is optional. Experiments are easily, and readily performed on samples by following the basic procedure. Before operating the instrument you must request a user account by contacting Elsa Robertson