Direct Login

Note: Access to the Spectroscopy Facility FBS scheduling requires instrument training.


Scheduling Policy:

  1. Schedule time on FBS for instrument use:
    1. Login to FBS.
    2. Select the "Scheduling" button at the top. Navigate to your desired instrument and schedule time.
    3. When you are ready to use your reservation you will need to use a internet connected device or the scheduling computer in the lab to log-on to your FBS account and click "Start" timer in the "USER" tab (this will activate the monitor). You will then log-on to the machine with your given username and password. Once you are done with the instrument you will click "Stop" timer in your FBS account to stop the re-charge ($) and turn off the monitor. NOTE: You must remember to stop your timer or you will continue to be recharged.
    4. Rules:
      • Everyone will be given a username and password for instrument computer login but your UCSB NetID credentials will be used for FBS.
      • A "No Show" fee will be charged for 75% of the hourly charge, make sure to cancel unneeded reservations.
      • The reserved time plus any excess time will be billed.
      • All samples must be labeled with the user's name and removed from the lab when finished with experiments
  2. Walk-in usage: the spectrometers can be used on walk-in basis if they are idle or if the person who has reserved the time slot doesn't show up within half an hour of their scheduled time. It is recommended to always reserve time for the instrument online to avoid scheduling conflicts.
  3. The MRL Spectroscopy staff reserves the rights for spectrometer maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairing.